What is Radon?
Radon is a radioactive noble gas. This gas is part of a chain of substances that starts with the element uranium and ends with stable lead. Radon gas is found in many soil/rock types and is constantly renewed. Too much radon can be dissolved with a radon suction.
The level of the radon gas is counted in the unit becquerel/m3, abbreviated Bq/m3 and the limit value for public health nuisance is in Sweden set at 200 Bq/m3.
Health-damaging amounts of radon gas you get into the house in mainly three different ways. Through the water, the building material or from the ground directly and from here then through leaks in the house foundation. The main problems are not caused by the radon gas itself, but by the next stage in the chain – the radon daughters. These are formed very quickly after the gas has arrived and it means that the gas is converted into particle form. The daughters of radon have a tendency to sit on the dust grains that are always in a room. By inhalation, the radioactive particles will enter the lungs and become trapped in the lung tissue.
They disintegrate and emit radiation. Prolonged exposure to radon daughters may cause lung cancer. The risk is greater the higher the radon concentration. Do you have questions? Email us and we will help you. Email us and we'll help you.