What is Radon?
Radon is a radioactive inert gas. This gas is part of a chain of substances that begins with the element uranium and ends with stable lead. Radon is found in many soils/rocks and is constantly renewed. Too much radon can be solved with a radon extractor.
The level of the radon gas is counted in the unit becquerel/m3, abbreviated Bq/m3 and the limit value for public health nuisance is in Sweden set at 200 Bq/m3.
Health-damaging amounts of radon gas you get into the house in mainly three different ways. Through the water, the building material or from the ground directly and from here then through leaks in the house foundation. The main problems are not caused by the radon gas itself, but by the next stage in the chain – the radon daughters. These are formed very quickly after the gas has arrived and it means that the gas is converted into particle form. The daughters of radon have a tendency to sit on the dust grains that are always in a room. By inhalation, the radioactive particles will enter the lungs and become trapped in the lung tissue.
They disintegrate and emit radiation. Prolonged exposure to radon daughters may cause lung cancer. The risk is greater the higher the radon concentration. Do you have questions? Email us and we will help you. Email us and we'll help you.
Now you can search radon grants
The Radon grant can be applied for by house owners in need of a radon removal. Grants may be paid 50 % of a reasonable cost for the measures, but not exceeding SEK 25 000. The current appropriation for 2019 is 34 million kronor. You apply for the entry to Länsstyrelsen after you have taken a measurement of the radon concentration. Read more at boverket.se boverket.se
Fan facts
As the fan and its function are the brain in a radon extractor, it is extremely important. Different fans behave very differently, depending on the purpose for which they are built. Our fan adapts to the resistance and sucks very well over a range of resistance. Different resistance depends on the material that lies beneath the ground. Some fans suck too much, so that cold air is sucked in under the ground, which can cause other serious problems. Fans must also not be a danger to children or animals. Our fan is powered by completely harmless 12 volts and draws energy at a cost of under 70 kronor per year, at an electricity price of 1 kr/kWh.
Other demands we have made on the fan is that it should be heard and seen as little as possible. The very neat format also makes the visible procedure very small.
Control measurement
After the radon craving is mounted, a control measurement with trace film should be carried out. The film should be placed in the same location as in previous measurements. This is to be able to compare the outcome of the measure. It is also important that the measurement takes place under the same conditions as in everyday use.
Why do you get radon in the house?
Ground radon is the most common cause of elevated indoor values. For more than 20 years we have been specializing in solutions and ready-to-measure packages to ground radon.
The reason for the radon gas entering the house at all is because the house is warming up. By creating a warmer climate indoors than outdoors, you form a vacuum that sucks air outside and also air from underneath the house. If you also have an exhaust fan in the house is strengthened under the pressure further.
The larger the temperature difference is between out and inside – the greater the pressure is created. The effect of this can be observed a cold winter day when cold air literally squirts by window frames, cracks and other leaks.
Common points where radon gas penetrates can be around sewage pipes, water pipes, electric cables that come through the base plate, dry cracks between wall and floor and clean cracks in the floor. All of these are easily sealed in our package attached gastight sealing compound.
Radon suction for house with basement or molded plate on land
The main purpose of radon craving is to create a larger under pressure under the base plate than the one in the house. This is accomplished by assembling our radon extractor. Here you also get the positive side effect that radon cravings do as the name implies, sucking to itself the radon that is nearby and squirting it out in the air where it is quickly diluted to harmless levels.
Our package contains what is needed, in addition to tools but including 8.5 m gastight hose, to lower the elevated radiation values caused by the leakage of soil radon. The assembly is so simple that you can normally handle this. The installation time is usually between 5 and 8 hours. When the package is electrically powered by 12 volts, electricians do not need to be engaged.
Telephone support from us before, during and after assembly is included, where the possibility is given to discuss and consult the staff of the SSI (Swedish Radiation Protection Institute) completed training with approved final exam.
Our radon vacuum only requires care or maintenance every 4 years.
A one-year warranty against manufacturing defects is also included.
Operating voltage: | 12 V |
Dimension: | 150 x 150 x 50 mm |
Speed: | 3500 Rpm |
Airflow max: | 42 m3/h |
Power consumption: | 10 Watt |
The fitting of the tubing into the concrete slab should not be closer to wall than about 1.5 meters.
The exhaustion of the radon ground air from the house foundation should be done so that the radon gas does not find its way back into the house. The fan should be placed as far away from windows, valves and doors as possible.
Radon suction for house with crofter's foundation
Our basic kit consists of an outdoor unit with fan and other necessary accessories. From the outside, a tube is connected towards the centre of the crawling space foundation. The structure of the unit, the volume and radon concentration determine whether one unit is sufficient or if several are needed. By creating an air flow and a small under pressure under the floor itself, the radon is passed through the blower into the outdoor air where it is rapidly diluted to the level. Important is that the floor between the crawling space and the room is as tight as possible.
Our package contains what is needed, in addition to the pipe between the fan and the crawling space mid-point, to lower the elevated radiation values caused by the leaking ground radon. The assembly is so simple that you can normally handle this. The installation time is usually between 3 and 5 hours. When the package is electrically powered by 12 volts, electricians do not need to be engaged.
Telephone support from us before, during and after assembly is included, where the possibility is given to discuss and consult the staff of the SSI (Swedish Radiation Protection Institute) completed training with approved final exam.
Our radon vacuum only requires care or maintenance every 4 years.
A one-year warranty against manufacturing defects is also included.
Operating voltage: | 12 V |
Dimension: | 150 x 150 x 50 mm |
Speed: | 3500 Rpm |
Airflow max: | 42 m3/h |
Power consumption: | 10 Watt |
The exhaustion of the radon ground air from the house foundation should be done so that the radon gas does not find its way back into the house. The fan should be placed as far away from windows, valves and doors as possible.